
Hello! We are Iñaki and Mireia, co-founders of Yuït, and a couple of years ago we decided that something in our lives had to change. drastically.
Iñaki is the director of the Spanish subsidiary of a Danish company dedicated to innovation in the wind energy sector and I, Mireia, ran my own consulting and training company. We both love leading a super active lifestyle, we love work, spending time and making plans as a family, going for a run, we don't stop, we sign up for all the plans and the challenge of making every moment count.


But in all that whirlwind of excitement there was something that weighed us down.

Many days we were not feeling well, and a big part of this problem was trying to get to everything on time, very tight, and with poor nutrition.

We always have dinners as a family, we like to take care of them, cook for a little while, set the table, chat. It is a moment of enjoyment for everyone. But at noon... we were a disaster! Some days we spent almost 2 hours eating a menu of the day, generally heavy, and which we did not fully enjoy; Others, when we were in more trouble, grabbed a sandwich or a snack from the vending machine or even ended up skipping food. Coffee and running to pick up the children from school with their tongues hanging out.

And this dynamic is what weighed us down and many days left us without the strength to enjoy our free time, do some sports or simply scratch for ourselves for a while.


We want to live intensely, we love to do a thousand things a day and we know that food is key to feeling well and keeping our energy and good mood intact. We had to change our eating habits but how? With methodical and endless shopping lists? Devoting the afternoon or evening to making tuperes?... The weekend? How long was it going to take us? What did we have to give up?

No way!


We become aware of the amount of time we spend on food, from purchasing to preparation: planning, purchasing, transporting, storing, cooking, eating and cleaning. And the craziest thing about it is that in a few hours... we started again. Crazy, very crazy.

So crazy that… Yuït was born!

Could we create a perfect meal, textbook, nutritional excellence, and that we could eat anytime, anywhere?

So we got to work, with the help of specialized centers, to conceptualize practical healthy eating solutions that fit our lifestyle and allow us to take care of ourselves without giving up anything. We only want to cook when we enjoy it, in fact, we are all foodies! But when we want to eat something quickly, we want it to be functional and, of course, healthy, we go for Yuït!

We put the most important thing on the table: Our HEALTH and our TIME, and we are more than proud of the change.

We incorporated Yuït into our daily lives, and now we dedicate more time to everything that makes us happy. We managed to break the wheel.

List the unsatisfactory meals in your daily life, the time and effort you dedicate to them, add it up and think about what you would like to dedicate it to. How many are there? 23? 4 hours a day? Are you going to opt for yoga, going for a run, that beer that you never have time to have with your friend or dedicating a sprint to your favorite series to enjoy time for yourself? Tempting right?

And it's scary! But don't worry, it's nothing more or less about taking the reins of your life and deciding what pillars it is based on. It's all a matter of priorities. Your health, your time.

It's just about opening your mind to new ways of conceiving food.

But we don't just stop there. In search of this change, we conceptualized a company with a high component of Responsibility and ethics, because deciding how you live your life also involves designing our future. Everyone's. Whenever you consume Yuit you will know that you are eating in a responsible and respectful way with the environment, animals and society.

Thank you for being here reading us. Thank you for being part of our history. Thank you for believing in change, because it is exciting and motivates us to continue launching new food options adapted to people like you and us. But above all, thank you for betting on yourself, because what you dedicate your time to defines you and fulfills you, and taking care of yourself is the wisest decision you could have made.

Welcome, Yuïter! ;)