💀 Aceite de PALMA y GIRASOL 💀 VS 💚 Aceite de COCO y de OLIVA 💚 - Yuït



The oils They are essential in the kitchen and play a fundamental role in our daily diet. At Yuit, we are committed to the quality and health of our products, which is why we carefully choose the ingredients we use. One of the key elements in our products is the extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) a true treasure of nature, the well-known liquid gold. In this article, we will explore the countless benefits of olive and coconut oils and compare their healthy choice to other less desirable oils such as sunflower and palm oil.  

SPOILERS: If you currently consume one of the latter, run to replace them with more options healthy! 



Extra virgin olive oil is an oil obtained exclusively through mechanical methods, without chemical processes, which preserves its natural and healthy properties. Some of its benefits include: 

  • Rich in Antioxidants: EVOO is a rich source of antioxidants such as vitamin E and polyphenols, which fight aging and protect our cells. 
  • Cardiovascular health: Studies show that regular consumption of EVOO can reduce the risk of heart disease by improving the lipid profile and reducing blood pressure. 
  • Natural Anti-inflammatory: Its anti-inflammatory properties help fight chronic diseases and reduce inflammation in the body. 
  • Good for Digestion: EVOO promotes digestion and the absorption of nutrients, promoting a healthy digestive system. 



Coconut oil is another healthy oil with a number of notable benefits: 

  • Healthy Fatty Acids: It contains saturated medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that are easily digestible and provide a quick source of energy for the body. 
  • Antimicrobial Properties: The fatty acids in coconut can help fight infections and harmful bacteria. 
  • Improves Skin and Hair Health: Coconut oil is widely used in beauty products due to its moisturizing and nourishing properties.


COMPARISON with other oils less healthy used by other food companies: 


Sunflower oil is rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which in excess can promote inflammation in the body. It is also prone to oxidation when heated, which can generate harmful free radicals. 



Palm oil, despite its versatility in cooking, is often obtained through farming methods. unsustainable production and is associated with the deforestation. Furthermore, it contains high levels of saturated fat that can increase the risk of heart diseases. 


Yuit's Healthy Choice 

At Yuit, we opt for EVOO as the basis of our products due to its exceptional nutritional profile and health benefits. We believe in the importance of choosing ingredients that promote the well-being of our customers and the environment. 


Olive and coconut oils are exceptional options that provide numerous health benefits. When it comes to choosing oils in your diet, keep in mind the benefits of ethese and replaces the less desirable options such as sunflower and palm oil immediately. At Yuit.eu, our choice is clear, and we hope you consider this wise choice in your kitchen as well. Your health will thank you 😊

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