🌱 Commitment to the Environment and Social Responsibility

When this startup was born, great uncertainty invaded our hearts and minds; The only thing that we were 100% clear from the first second was that sustainable ethics would govern any business process we implemented. In this context, at Yuït, we position ourselves as a company committed to environmental sustainability and the promotion of eco-friendly practices in our business model.

🔄 Economía Circular 

We apply models of circular economy, promoting the reduction and reuse of common waste. The use of ingredients from surplus crops, or the recyclabilityof absolutely all our packaging are some of the many examples that show our commitment.

📦 Sustainable Packaging

From the beginning, we opted for cajas instead of plastic bags as secondary packaging, and we declined the green color in the boxes, which in terms of branding were much more attractive, because the ink compromised their recyclability. Additionally, we use cello tape made from 100% recycled plastic.

🌍 Envases Reciclables

We develop single-material packaging ensuring total recyclabilityof our products. Aware of the importance of recycling in waste management, we have developed these packaging using a combination of polyethylene and EVOH and carton packaging and recyclable transparent film ein the case of the Yuït bars.


🌱 100% plant-based Sustainable Production

The focus on sustainability encompasses our entire production and distribution chain, guaranteeing the integrity of our meals. Since the beginning, at Yuït we have wanted to develop inclusive food: gluten-free and 100% vegetable. The fact of not using foods of animal origin is a clear commitment to the reduction of greenhouse gases greenhouse of the planet in addition to contributing to mitigating animal abuse. 

🗺️ Made in Spain

Our vision encompasses much more than simply reducing our environmental impact; It also involves supporting the local economy and promoting social equity. That is why we are proud to say that all our products are made in Spain. We embracelocal production because we believe in the value of maintaining crafts and traditional knowledge in our communities. By working with national suppliers, especially for the ingredients we use in our products, we not only guarantee freshness and quality, but we also promote the prosperity of local industry and reduce the carbon footprint associated with long distance transportation.

Compromiso Continuo

Yuït's commitment goes beyond a simple environmental action, it represents a commitmentto the conservation of the planet, the circular economy and sustainable development. We lead the integration of sustainable practices in the food industry, inspiring others toward a greener and more prosperous future.

⚠️In the Yuït Challenges web section 💪🏻 you can find 💪🏻 the challenges that we are addressing to contribute, every day, a new grain of sand. If you have any ideas to help us improve, you can fill out the form on the same page. We are all ears and any proposal is more than welcome! 

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