El Arte de equilibrar hormonas

The Art of Balancing Hormones

Techniques to combat the symptoms of Pre-menopause

Pre-menopause is a natural stage 🌱 in a woman's life that precedes menopause, characterized by hormonal changes that can affect both physical and emotional well-being. Below, we present a series of practical and specific advice that promise to alleviate the challenges of pre-menopause, allowing you to navigate this stage with confidence and well-being.

Pre-menopause can begin much earlier than many imagine, sometimes even in your thirties. During this phase, symptoms can be confusing and easily overlooked. Many women suffer in silence, without realizing what is really happening in their bodies. Fortunately, modern gynecology offers tools and knowledge to diagnose and treat these symptoms effectively. Consulting a specialist can not only provide you with a clear diagnosis, but also the necessary support to face this stage with a better quality of life and greater peace of mind.

🍇 Phytoestrogens and key nutrients

  • Include more phytoestrogens in your diet:Foods such as soy, beans, Chickpeas and flax seeds are rich in phytoestrogens, which can help balance hormones naturally. Dried fruits such as apricots, raisins and plums they are also very good sources of this phytonutrient.
  • Calcium and vitamin D: Essential for bone health, includes dairy products, green leafy vegetables and fish in your diet.

💮 Adaptogenic aromatherapy

  • Integrate essential oils that have adaptogenic properties can help balance hormones and improve overall well-being. Examples of these may include sage, geranium and rose oil.

📱 Biofeedback

  • This technique uses electronic devices to teach you how to control certain body functions, such as muscle tension and skin temperature, which It can be useful for managing hot flashes and stress.

💃🏼 Dale don dale 

  • Moderate physical activity: Exercise such as walking, yoga, or swimming can help reduce symptoms such as hot flashes and improve mood.
  • Muscle Strengthening: Maintaining muscle strength 💪🏼 is crucial to protect joints and keep the metabolism active.

🧘🏼‍♀️ Stress Management!

  • Relaxation techniques: Practices such as meditation, mindfulness or deep breathing can be very effective.
  • Quality time: Spend time doing activities that you enjoy and relax, such as reading a book, gardening or spending time in nature.

📌 Hormonal acupuncture

  • Acupuncture can be aimed at treating specific symptoms of premenopause such as hot flashes, insomnia, and mood swings. This form aims to regulate the endocrine system by inserting needles into specific points of the body. Although it is called "hormonal", it does not involve the administration of external hormones, but instead seeks to balance the body's hormones naturally.

❄️♨️Cold/hot therapy

  • Using hot and cold therapy techniques can help manage hot flashes.For example, using cold gel pads or hot baths can offer immediate relief.

Coping with premenopause is more than just managing symptoms; It is a deeply personal and transformative journey. Although this period can bring unique challenges, it also offers the opportunity to reconnect with yourself and rediscover your inner strength.

Take advantage of these techniques to shine with a renewed light, recognizing and celebrating the resilient and capable woman that you are! 

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